A new addition to the engineering fleet at Tedford. I’ve built this Whale from a Cambrian kit. Went together quite nicely.
When it came to fitting a load I made a stupid mistake, now rectified. It’s done with a balsa wood fake floor and some scraps of balsa making up a couple of mounds then ballast stuck with diluted PVA in the usual way.
The problem was I though I had a jar of diluted PVA left over from some track repairs a few months ago. I added a bit more PVA to get the right consistency and used that. Only it wasn’t diluted PVA, it was turps used to clean a white gloss brush! Turns out it doesn’t stick ballast, it stinks and I was lucky not to damage the wagon! I had to wait for it to dry so it wouldn’t run over the paintwork when removing it, strip it out and do the load again.